Here are all the little pets I have adopted at some time or other. If you want one of your own, there is a link to where I got each one, so just Click. Many more cyber-animals out there need good homes.
This is Elsie. Elsie loves to cuddle. She will be very nice to you. This is Martin. All Martin does is complain, if Martin bothers you just get close to Elsie. Elsie is the only one Martin is nice to.
***To get pet rocks of your very own~Click Here!
These rocks were adopted from a different place, but they are loved the same.
Meet PeeWeeand Yoda and of course I couldn't forget Pebbles
***To get one of these cute little rocks~ Click Here!!
This is Geo. Geo is a Net Nerd. Isn't he cute?!
***To get your very own Net Nerd~Click Here!!
Meet Bill. Bill is my page mascot. He's very sweet.
***To get a mascot for your page~Click Here!!
This is Niko. He's named after a country in a story I wrote once. He is a guinea pig.
***You can adopt your own guinea pig, just~Click Here!!
Meet "Kayta",
she was adopted by
Michelle on
June 25, 1997.